Black Widow, after numerous delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is nearly upon us and in a little over a month, we will have our first MCU film in nearly 2 years. The film has been done for nearly a year and collecting dust in the Disney Vault. Well, some lucky few have gotten to seen it and I was lucky enough to ask some spoiler-free questions to a lucky person who saw Black Widow.
According to Josh Webb, he claims that the best parts of the film "cannot be said spoiler free" which is understandable but also says that the action sequences are "incredible". It's also been known for a while that Robert Downey Jr will be in the film after being spotted at the wrap party. Remember, this film takes place between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War so Tony Stark is still alive at this point. I tried to ask about RDJ but it seems that an NDA is in effect for that portion of the movie. When I asked about his thoughts, he said it was "good" but sadly "doesn't fit tonally with the MCU". When I asked for a placement in the film ranks, he said he'd put it "Around Captain America: The First Avenger". This likely means it will be a middle of the road film.
This is all I could get out but with Black Widow releasing July 9th in theatres and on Disney+, we won't have to wait that long.